Music, Mindset & Marketing

How To Choose Your Audition Songs For Drama School

#auditiontips #dramaschoolauditions #musicaltheatre actingcareer actingtips auditionpreparation recordingartist theatrelife vocalhealth voicetraining Jun 24, 2024

Choosing the right audition songs for drama school can make or break your chances of being accepted. The UK drama school landscape is highly competitive, with aspiring actors vying for limited spots in prestigious institutions. Therefore, selecting songs that showcase your talent, personality, and versatility is crucial.

This guide will help you navigate the process, ensuring you make the best possible choice.

1. Understand the Requirements

Before you start picking your songs, thoroughly research each drama school’s specific requirements. Some schools may have strict guidelines regarding the genres, composers, or eras of the songs you can perform.

Others might ask for contrasting pieces to demonstrate your range. Make a checklist of these requirements to ensure you don’t miss any important details.

- Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA): One contemporary song and one classical song.
- Guildhall School of Music and Drama: Two contrasting songs, one up-tempo and one ballad.

2. Know Your Voice Type

Understanding your voice type is fundamental. Are you a soprano, alto, tenor, or bass? Knowing this will help you choose songs that suit your vocal range and strengths. Singing within your range ensures you deliver a confident performance without straining your voice.

Steps to Identify Your Voice Type:
- Consult a Vocal Coach: Professional advice can be invaluable.
- Self-Assessment: Record yourself singing different songs and evaluate which ones fit best.
- Range Tests: Use online tools or apps to determine your vocal range.

3. Play to Your Strengths

Select songs that highlight your unique strengths. If you have a powerful belt, choose songs that allow you to showcase it. If your strength lies in emotional expression, opt for songs with strong storytelling elements. The goal is to leave a memorable impression on the audition panel.

- Highlight Your Unique Tone: Choose songs that complement your vocal timbre.
- Showcase Versatility: Pick songs that demonstrate your ability to handle different styles and emotions.

4. Avoid Overdone Songs

While it might be tempting to choose popular songs, remember that these are often overdone and might not make you stand out. Audition panels have heard classics like “Defying Gravity” from Wicked or “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Misérables countless times.

Opt for lesser-known pieces that can showcase your individuality.

- Research Hidden Gems: Look for songs from lesser-known musicals or underappreciated composers.
- Explore Different Genres: Consider songs from contemporary musical theatre, folk music, or even jazz standards.

5. Connect with the Material

Choose songs that you connect with on a personal level. Your emotional connection to the material will come through in your performance, making it more compelling and authentic. Consider the themes, characters, and stories that resonate with you and reflect your personality and experiences.

Reflection Questions:
- Why does this song speak to me?
- What personal experiences can I draw from to enhance my performance?

6. Consider the Character

Think about the character you are portraying when you sing. Are they joyous, heartbroken, hopeful, or desperate? Understanding the character’s motivations and emotions will help you deliver a more nuanced and believable performance. This approach also demonstrates to the audition panel that you can inhabit a role fully.

Character Analysis:
- Read the Song’s Lyrics Carefully: Understand the context and subtext.
- Research the Show: If the song is from a musical, know the story and the character’s arc.

7. Practice, Practice, Practice

Once you have selected your songs, practice them extensively. Familiarity with the material allows you to focus on your performance rather than worrying about hitting the right notes. Work with a vocal coach if possible, and seek feedback from trusted friends or mentors.

Practice Tips:
- Rehearse Regularly: Establish a consistent practice routine.
- Record Yourself: Listening to recordings can help identify areas for improvement.
- Mock Auditions: Perform in front of friends or family to simulate the audition experience.

8. Take Care of Your Voice

Maintaining vocal health is crucial, especially in the weeks leading up to your audition. Avoid strain by staying hydrated, getting enough rest, and avoiding irritants like smoking or shouting. Warm up properly before singing and consider working with a vocal coach to ensure your technique is sound.

Vocal Health Tips:
- Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
- Rest: Ensure you get sufficient sleep.
- Warm-Ups: Incorporate vocal exercises into your daily routine.

9. Be Prepared for Anything

Auditions can be unpredictable. Be ready for potential curveballs, such as being asked to sing a cappella or perform an additional piece. Flexibility and a positive attitude will help you navigate these situations with confidence.

Preparation Strategies:
- A Cappella Practice: Be comfortable singing without accompaniment.
- Have a Backup Song: Prepare an additional song just in case.

10. Stay Calm and Confident

Finally, remember that auditions are as much about showing your personality and potential as they are about your singing ability. Stay calm, be yourself, and let your passion for performance shine through. Confidence is key; believe in your preparation and your talent.

Mindset Tips:
- Positive Visualisation: Picture yourself succeeding in the audition.
- Breathing Techniques: Practice deep breathing to stay calm.

By following these steps, you can choose audition songs that not only meet the requirements but also showcase your unique talents and personality. Good luck and break a leg!

If you need help choosing your audition songs for drama school in 2024 – get in touch with Tryfan Music and book in a FREE 15-minute discovery call.


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